Seniors tend to get balance problems and dizziness more frequently than younger people. And when you have dizziness and loss of balance, it can be very dangerous for you especially if you are older. Having dizziness can cause a fall or other potential injures; it can also indicate other medical issues, which may be present. If you do have dizziness, it’s important that you seek treatment as soon as possible. And because a person’s balance is depended upon for so many things, it’s important to have any problem checked out as soon as possible. Vision, hearing and your bodies continued good physical condition all depend on your balance. So what are some of the causes of dizziness?
Problems with the inner ear for one thing. A problem with the inner ear makes it more difficult to detect movement and gravity too. Also sometimes problems with the inner ear may be overlooked as the hearing begins to lessen with age. 85% of dizziness and balance problems can be due to a problem with the inner ear. To treat it, visit your regular doctor; he or she can rule out other causes before referring you to an audiologist for a checkup.
Although the inner ear is a common cause of dizziness and loss of balance, it isn’t the only reason for these problems. Some central nervous disorders and cardiac problems can also cause an issue with balance. A stroke, for instance, affects the central nervous system by causing the part of the brain that controls instructions to the body to be damaged. You can have loss of feeling on one side of your body from the stroke that can lead to a loss of balance. If you have high or low blood pressure, that can cause dizziness also. You can keep track of your blood pressure by having an in home care provider monitor your blood pressure and note any changes which then can be reported to your doctor.
Another factor can be the medication you are taking. If you are taking multiple medications daily, they don’t always interact well, or may cause a different reaction on you. If you think a new medication is causing dizziness or unbalance, call your doctor immediately. Keep an updated list of your medications, so you can make sure your doctor is aware of everything that you are taking daily.
Keep in mind that dizziness and loss of balance should not be taken lightly. Some people just consider this a sign of aging but if you’re experiencing dizziness and loss of balance, you are more likely to fall and have a serious injury. Because seniors don’t heal as quickly as younger people, a bad fall can fracture, or break a hip, which would greatly affect your quality of life, as you know it. These are also early warning signs of impending stroke.
If you are experiencing any of these problems, talk to your family and call a doctor to find out what the problem is, so it can be treated.
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